LOCATION: Tamil Nadu, India.
DATE: November 2022
HEIGHT: Main floor at 10m
SURFACE: 30 m²
MATERIALS: Locally grown hard woods including Acacia auriculiformis, bamboo roof structure, red mud walls, stainless-steel cables, metal roof sheets covered with 'keeth' (woven coconut leaves) for a cooler atmosphere and traditional look.

A DNA spiraling staircase hugs the tall trunk of a majestic African Mahogany tree known as the ‘Khaya’ tree. It brings you up to a another level - a level that's 10 meters above the ground. You reach an open balcony which gives a view over the lush Tamil Nadu landscape. A cosy bedroom with a popular round window above the bed makes for a great night's sleep. This one bedroom treehouse is equipped with a small kitchenette, running water, and an outdoors toilet with a magnificent view and breeze. Sherin and Sankar from Keeth House bring life and a beautiful atmosphere to the treehouse and offer you the opportunity to spend the night.
Keeth House is an organically built eco-stay. The word ‘Keeth’ denotes the thatch roof that is used in the construction of our houses. Inspired by the traditional huts that are still seen across Indian villages, the thatched-roof bamboo cottages are built with locally sourced materials. Keeth House Phase 2 is a secluded property which boasts four charming houses each with its unique attributes.