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LOCATION: Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India.
DATE: January 2016
HEIGHT: First floor at 9,0 meters,
Top of the roof at 18,3 meters
SURFACE: 80 m²
MATERIALS: Made of about 30 different types of locally grown wood, bamboo plywood, stainless-steel cables, onduline sheets.

TWISTING up along the trunk of the Khaya, you eventually reach the first floor, open a trap door, and find yourself cozy in the living room. Follow the branches, they guide you to the next level: a fully furbished kitchen from where another staircase leads up to the bathroom. The trunk comes along with you, piercing through the whole house. Soon branches find their way out. The bathroom is an open spacious room, fresh water, toilet and shower, nice breeze, 360° canopy to enjoy comfort and view.

With one more tiny effort, here you are, finally the bedroom.

A solar system sits on the roof, providing electrical supply and activating a pump which will bring the water all the way up to the 18th meter. On the 4th floor bedroom you can see the coastline of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry in the distance

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